Trochees are an extremely simple tool in the writer’s arsenal. These simple, two-syllable footed words
Imagism remains one of the most influential forms of poetry in the Western world. The
Extended metaphors are an extremely powerful tool in both poetic writing and prose. Free verse
If you’ve ever struggled with stanza in poetry, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Particularly
Metre, both in free verse and traditional, structured poetry, is extremely important. It gives poetry
You might think it strange for a free verse poet, however limited in talent, to
When most people think of English traditional poetry, it is extremely likely that they’ll think
Kireji are a particular kind of word, often used in Japanese poetry, such as haiku.
It’s worth noting, before we get stuck into the so-called “rules” of haiku poetry, that
Free verse, as a poetic form, came to exist for many reasons. One of those